Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Has it really been 3 years?

well yes, Obviously. Wow. That shocked me too. I haven't stopped ranting in this time or writing, just not on here. Why? Erm, I don't know, maybe thought no one was listening and then mostly I forgot my password and the email address I used, but ta-dar, my memory has returned. Also been held up by those fickle things, Love, loss, regret and children. I am pretty sure that in those three years I have done something constructive but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe now is the time to pick up the pace again and actually share some more musings and rantings. Thank you to the folk who commented on my I love lucy-Not post. Hasn't she gotten even worse since she breed with Tory boy? blurh. I bet she calls it Tax as a pet name. Have avoided most TV in the last three years, Black Mirror being the exception. Charlie Brooker is still my hero, in a none worship sucky up kind of way, I love him he is brilliant and I would have his mind babies. At this stage in my life I have decided to finally dedicate all my time to writing. I believe this roughly translated as self employed not earning. Maybe the new BBC tool to find out 'what class are you?' will tell me. I really have been writing you know. I just sent a script to the BBC for rejection, let you know when its rejected. Last year I finished a radio play for review by the BBC which of course they rejected. So far this year I have finished my first children's book which is at presented being pulled apart by and editor friend before being rejected! I have a few stories on the go at the moment all pulsing and forming in the underbelly of my soul waiting to see the light of day, which they will be as this post,long overdue. I will continue to rant, I will be better to you, give you more attention, you deserve it and I have a lot of drivel to say. Rant back because after all communicating a view is what its all about.